One of the most known Bulgarian city - even i heard about it before:) It's laying on a seaside of a Black Sea, every year come there thousand of turist.
How to get cheap place to sleep?
If You go there by train You can really easy find cheap place to sleep - in a Train Station in Warna there are two kind of
Informations Offices where You can find cheap place to sleep (even 14
€ for double room). You will get key in a office, an adress and form train station You can go straight to Youre room (of course don't count for jazzuzi in a room). There is another way too - go to promenade near see->there are people who try to catch turist to make them sleep in their own places - of course it's un-official but rooms are good and cheap (at least we get one like that in a apartment of some grandmother:)
Food? (my favourite topic!)
I feel obligated to write about food. From deep of my heart i can reccomend restauration called "
Godzilla" - we have eate there great food (it's really great!) and the price - if You want to eat as much as You can (pizza, salad, dessert, beer) You won't pay more than 5
€! It's in a center of Warna, easy to find. And ! because of my pure love to chocolate - in every country there are in some places kind of coffee/chocolate/tea machines. In Bulgary there are much of them and drinks (at least a chocolate) form them are worth to try.
What to see there ?
Ortodox Church - obligatory to get inside too, near Warna center and near market where can You find and buy in reality everything! Actually all center of Warna is wort to see.
Near promenade there is museum-ship as an atraction - You can go there and even touch it. Its called "
Drazki" and it is torpedo boat built by france for bulgaria in the beginning of XX century. This boat took part in Balkans War in 1912-1913 and even "hit" another boat during action.
"Tarzan Park" - You can feel like real Tarzan just 1
€, it's really dangerous and it's not so easy to get threw all "traps" - i am sure that they would make it forbiden because of danger in every west european country- but this is bulgary and fun from it is priceless!